a Vanessa V. Kilmer blog - comments disabled

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Triple Dog Dare

I am really pissed off with myself that I can’t get a handle on my food problems (I hate the word issues.)

Today, I begin walking again. I went shopping yesterday for five hours and was incapable of moving for the rest of the day because my knees hurt so badly.

It is very obvious to me that I am just being lazy. There has never been anything I couldn’t do if I wanted to do it. That means I haven’t wanted to take care of this debilitating situation enough. Well, I am officially double daring myself to get my great, big, fat ass moving.

I want to be at a normal weight and respectably mobile by the time I’m fifty. That gives me two years.

Don’t think I am being hard on myself either. I’m not. I deserve a swift kick, believe me.


Minka said...

Absolutely and gladly for me, it is only you that can kick yourself into doing something that takes a bot of dedication and endurance, but will be so worth it!

Both thumbs up!

Lost Soul said...

best of luck

Pamela said...

Goldennib, so sorry your knees hurt. Loosing weight is such a hard thing to do sometimes. You sound very determined and I am here if I can be of any help. Have you thought of checking out a gym, so you could use their equipment even just walking on the treadmill would be good. :)