a Vanessa V. Kilmer blog - comments disabled

Friday, October 06, 2006

Grey Questions

GreyShades always asks some good questions. I liked these and thought I’d see how I would answer them today. I may revisit them in the future to see how my answers change.

I could give in and maybe be a little happier, but then that wouldn't be me would it?

On the surface, it looks like I’ve given in, but I haven’t. There is just a gloss of the world in which I’ve chosen to live, but I am still a square peg sitting cockeyed over a round hole. I used to struggle more with my differences, forcing them upon people that were not capable of dealing with me. I tried running from who I am. I tried (very half-heartedly) being someone else. None of these things worked. Giving in did not make me happier.

I have a small world. I didn’t want to give that up either. So, I quietly go about my business. Everyday, I shroud myself in the costume of my country, walk its streets and am me. If you look closely, I do not quite conform. Most days, I can juggle the different compartments of my life.

I could trade my world for someone else's, but then that wouldn't be what I wanted, would it?

I haven’t seen a life other than my own that I would want. I pick up bits and pieces here and there like I’m gathering sea shells and place them on a collage of my own making. Eventually, it will be a work of art. It is a work of art, in progress.

I could take what I'm not sure I want, but then would that be better than not getting what I want?

No, I’d rather do without. I made a conscious decision a few years ago, that I would only take what I truly wanted. No more buying just because it is on sale. No getting the knock off version because it is cheaper. I will wait until I can afford the thing I want, exactly as I want it, to the best of my ability, or nothing at all.

Do I even know what I want?

Usually I do or I keep asking until I do. I ask what is missing a lot.

Do I even know who I am anymore?

The older I get, the better I know myself. I am often deluded though.

Do I even know what makes me happy anymore?

Yes, I know what makes me happy. The key for me is to find the time for what makes me happy.

Am I lost in the melee of my surroundings?

No, I ignore my surroundings. I must usually force myself to pay attention.

Am I living in the real world or is this some pseudo-random scene?

Real is relative. I think we make our own realities.

Am I living in a conflicting world of today and the world that was yesterday?

I don’t know if I know what this means. I don’t live in the past, so it can’t conflict with my present world. While I believe the past affects our present and that we can and should learn from the past, today is today.

Am I taking some steps too soon and some steps too slow?

I usually take a lot of time making decisions, arguing the pros and cons in my mind, doing research asking other people their opinions. But once I make a decision I go full steam ahead until it’s done.

Do my thoughts control me or I control my thoughts?

Oh, this is a chicken or egg question. The answer is both, with no beginning or end to the vicious cycle. I think on the whole I should control my thoughts, but then I wouldn’t have any “Ah, Hah” moments and that’s no fun.
Is my heart and mind in the right place or are they wandering somewhere I don't want them to be? This is a both answer, too. When I am trying to make a conscious effort at something, I try to have my mind and heart in the right place. When I am into free form mode, I allow both to go as they will.

Will these shades of grey ever turn to color?

As far as I’m concerned, most things are shades of grey, which is not bad. It’s not easy, but that doesn’t make it a bad thing. I consider periods of pure color a gift from God, an epiphany.


Grey Shades said...

I could give in and maybe be a little happier, but then that wouldn't be me would it? - I guess I was talking about accepting someone else's will (which I find it very hard to do even when that someone is very close to me)

I could trade my world for someone else's, but then that wouldn't be what I wanted, would it? - Making someone else the centerstage of my life is what I was thinking actually. A few years ago that seemed so easy and now it jus seems impossible...

I could take what I'm not sure I want, but then would that be better than not getting what I want? - Here I agree with you! Better to wait and pine for something that you want rather than be miserable with something that you dont!

Which leads us to the next Q - Do I even know what I want? - At the moment I'd say No!

Do I even know who I am anymore? - I think I'm going through a phase in my life where some things are becoming quite uncertain and some lines are being drawn in stone, which is what led me to ask myself - Am I living in a conflicting world of today and the world that was yesterday?

Do I even know what makes me happy anymore? - Again, at the moment, No!

Am I lost in the melee of my surroundings? - I do the same as you. I'd rather be lost in myself than be a part of something I dont want to be!

Am I living in the real world or is this some pseudo-random scene? - But then things that you feel are real and isnt making your own relative a tad dangerous?

Am I taking some steps too soon and some steps too slow? - This was more a personal Q, I asked myself when I was trying to overcome something that happened in the recent past...

Do my thoughts control me or I control my thoughts? - For me, most of the times its my thoughts that control me and make me feel very confused!

Will these shades of grey ever turn to color? - Totally agree with you on this one! You couldnt have put it in better words :)

Nessa said...

Grey: "...isnt making your own relative a tad dangerous?" Omg, this was too funny. Made me gafaw.

Making someone center stage in YOUR life is not something I am in favor of and I don't think it is healthy. I think being fellow actors who share eachothers' stages is better.

Your questions are always intriguing and thought provoking and reviewing who we are is always a good thing.

Grey Shades said...

Why did it make you laugh?

"I think being fellow actors who share eachothers' stages is better"... yes that indeed is true but how can you control those emotions and make sure you dont make that person the center of your world?

Reviewing who we are is indeed a good thing but I seem to be doing it more often than I'd like to...

Nessa said...

Grey: Well, you have to accept that you must be center of your own life. You need to be ok with being alone, with just yourself. I know this is not popular, many people believe when you have a relationship, you should be together all of the time, do everything together, but I don't feel that way. I'd rather have a partner than another appendage.