0600 - I've decided, again, not to drink coffee. I think I slept better at night and felt better during the day when I didn't drink coffee. Got out my camera so I can start taking pictures again.
0716 - Got a photo for Friday. Now I need to go take a shower.
0841 - I stopped at Walmart and bought a small fan and air purifier for my work office. hopefully, it will help until The big Man gets around to saying something to Her boss.
1124 - it's Fat Tuesday and i think I'm getting fatter. Mission accomplished. Since they didn't have french fries and brown gravy where everyone is buying lunch, I am having Spam and Potatoes. All I do here is whine and talk about food. That's really all I do in my head. Complain and dream of eating.
1607 - I am so tired. I hope the lack of coffee helps me sleep tonight because I need some rest.
1623 - I want to go home and go to bed and not wake up again for about four years. I left my magnesium at home. i better remember it for tomorrow. I just don't feel like dealing with anything. Depressed much?
i have a photo all set up to post for tomorrow for Wide-eyed Wednesday on my main blog. And i have a picture chosen for Flash 55 for this week. Something about an insects point of view.
So many I's in these posts. I've been thinking about getting out my LRon Hubbard clearing book. it's just a bunch of questions and statements and you write about them from different perspectives until you have nothing left to say on the subject and then you are cleared and cured. It's always been good for ideas on things to explore. I wonder if i can figure out which book shelf it's on. I don't have enough energy to go upstairs to look.
I must do this month's bills and money calendar so QV can see where we are. How broke we are. God, i hate dealing with money. Why do you think that is. i've never found a good reason. i think it might be innate. i want to just write and draw and read. that's all I've ever wanted to do with myself. Why did I let myself get here?
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