I took two Pamprin Multi-symptoms last night and slept all the way through until 3am when I had to get up to pee and then I went back to bed and slept until just now 647am. Eleven hours of sleep. Nice. I also did my Bills Calendar and discovered I should have enough money to pay all of my bills by the end of the month. That helped my mind settle so I could sleep all night. I need to seriously stopped hiding from my financial situations. Some how I got it in my mind that finances are such a private matter that even I shouldn’t know what’s going on with them.
Look I am doing my morning words first. I almost opened up my email but I stopped and opened a new document page and began writing. All of my joints ache, even my finger joints. My left knee really hurts the most. Makes it very hard to walk around. When I am ready, the next thing I am going to add to my first thing to do each day will be 10 minutes of walking in place to get my body moving and ready to go to the gym.
So far I’ve got writing 500 words first thing each morning before I do anything else and not drinking any more coffee. I felt sluggish all day yesterday but I think it did help me sleep during the night. Let’s see if I can think of anything different to talk about. It’s the 50th birthday of The Big Man. They decorated his office yesterday with balloons and streamers. I have to go get him a ice cream birthday cake at noon. We were talking about cakes yesterday and Perfume Girl said Oh, no, I won’t be here. But then I heard her tell someone on the phone she was going to try to come in this afternoon. She’s getting back injections and thinks she’s going to come in - just for our cake?
The Codes is laying on the couch and snoring. He just woke himself up. He got up and moved to the floor to go back to sleep.
It’s 0714 and I need one hundred and fifty words to type. The sun is out. Jenny McCarthy is on Chelsea lately and all they talk about is poop and sex and fat. They are both so friggin’ skinny. I am going to get spinach salad for lunch. I’ve got to keep up my iron intake. I want beef jerky too. I had a bag of teriyaki nuggets yesterday which were really good. Here I am back to talking about food. I have lots of links for journalling topics I will look up some of those for my next journal entry and maybe I won’t bore myself so much. Thirty words to go. And all I can think about is food: where will I stop on the way to work to get some. Then I remember I will be going to Shoprite to get the cake so I can get more food then.
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